Secure Your Business with Kyocera's Comprehensive Cybersecurity Solutions

Protect your business against modern cyber threats.

In today’s dynamic workplace, managing security risks is more challenging than ever. With the rise of hybrid offices, bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policies, and increasingly sophisticated phishing attacks, businesses must adopt a robust, multi-layered approach to cybersecurity.

Kyocera provides holistic security services designed to protect your business and adapt to evolving threats. With a combination of sophisticated end-point encryption, secure cloud-based solutions and a proactive approach to threat detection and resolution, business leaders can be confident that they are ready to face the evolving cyber threat landscape.

Kyocera can help protect your business with our holistic approach to cybersecurity​​​​



The Importance of Secure Print and Document Management Solutions

A secure print and document management solution is crucial in today’s digital landscape. By implementing the right solution for your business needs, you can turn documents into usable data and safeguard sensitive information from unauthorised access. Talk to Kyocera Document Solutions and find the right solution for your business:

  • Enterprise Content Management: Empower your teams with secure access to critical documents while maintaining compliance and collaboration. Authorised personnel can retrieve the data they need and ensure that everyone is working off the most up-to-date information.
  • Scan-to-Cloud Solutions: No more scanning to personal desktops or unsecure locations. The right scan-to-cloud solution lets you digitise and store documents with advanced encryption, ensuring ease of access and data integrity.
  • Print Release Technology: Protect your print environment with solutions that prevent unauthorised printing and reduce the risk of sensitive data exposure.

Endpoint Encryption and Security 

Endpoint device encryption is crucial to ensure that potential attackers do not find easy ways into your network. With more employees now working remotely and using their own devices, it is important that businesses consider this as part of their overall security plan.

Much like computers, printers are connected to the internet, so businesses need to ensure that they too have the latest security and protection measures. Kyocera’s latest range of print devices utilises encryption to ensure that any data stored on the device can not be easily accessed or read. In combination with an effective firewall solution, remote workers and IT managers can feel safe in the knowledge that they are taking every measure to secure their network.

Essential 8 standard is fundamental for any business aiming to strengthen its security

The Essential 8 framework is a set of eight fundamental cybersecurity strategies developed by the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) to help protect digital assets and reduce cyber risks. These strategies include:​


1. ​Application whitelisting

5. Restricting administrative privileges

2. ​​Patching applications


6. Patching operating systems

3. Configuring Microsoft Office macro settings

7. Implementing multi-factor authentication

4. User application hardening​​

​8. Conducting daily backups​

By implementing these measures, businesses can establish a strong baseline for their cybersecurity practices, significantly mitigating exposure to common threats such as malware, ransomware, and data breaches.

An Essential 8 assessment evaluates an organisation's current cybersecurity posture against this framework, scoring each strategy from 0 (non-compliant) to 3 (fully compliant). This assessment provides a clear picture of the strengths and weaknesses, helping to prioritise areas for improvement. For businesses, this assessment is critical as it not only highlights vulnerabilities but also guides the enhancement of cybersecurity measures. By regularly conducting Essential 8 assessments, businesses can ensure continuous improvement of their defences, maintain regulatory compliance, and safeguard sensitive information.​

This proactive approach is more cost-effective and efficient than responding to cyber incidents after they occur, ultimately protecting a business's reputation and operational resilience.​​​​

Fortify your defences with a cybersecurity assessment

Contact the team

Be proactive, not complacent and take steps to strengthen your security landscape with our security offerings.

Our security risk assessment services and packages are designed to identify vulnerabilities on the go and mitigate risks within your organisation's infrastructure. We employ industry-leading methodologies to assess potential threats and develop strategies to safeguard your data and systems. You’ll gain valuable insights into your security posture and be equipped with proactive measures to protect your business from potential cyber threats.

Our security risk assessment services include:


Monthly reporting and access to insights on cybersecurity threats and assessments.

​12-month training program to ensure your staff remain vigilant to current and emerging threats.

Custom phishing tools to test potential scamming attempts and scenarios.

​Social engineering indicators using patented technology to simulate phishing attempts and flag potential entry points for hackers.​​​

​Network Security as a Service Packages

At Kyocera, we understand the importance of securing your most valuable asset – your business data. Our tailored network security services provide proactive defence against evolving threats, including a fully managed Security Operations Centre (SOC), penetration testing and security policy training in line with the Essential 8 framework. Trust us to safeguard your sensitive digital assets. ​


Vulnerability assessments

Vulnerability assessments offer comprehensive insights, revealing potential risks and guiding effective mitigation strategies. In times of organisational shifts, these assessments provide invaluable direction, prioritising steps to bolster your security roadmap. Upon completion, you'll receive a personalised priority list of vulnerabilities ranked by severity, along with a clear action plan for timely remediation.

Penetration testing

While it's easy to assume your current security measures are enough, hidden gaps could leave you exposed. Our penetration testing goes beyond typical assessments to stay ahead of potential risks. We simulate real-world hacking techniques to uncover vulnerabilities, providing a third-party evaluation of the security of your web-exposed elements.

Need more information?

Download The complete cybersecurity checklist and find 15 practical ways to protect your business data from cyber threats.